Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A (1a

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Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A (1a

2024-02-04 20:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Unit2 What time do you go to school 教案一、学习内容:第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)二、学习目标1、能听说读以下词汇: get up go to school get dressed brush teeth eat breakfast take a shower2、通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握相关的时间表达方法以及相关的词汇,能够就生活中的时间安排及日常活动来交谈;三、学情分析学生通过前段时间的学习,对一般现在时态的用法已经有了一定的语感和模仿运用的能力,也能够用简单的英语表达个人意见。通过本单元学习能基本掌握时间的表达法并能用英语谈论作息时间安排。四、学习重难点1、能熟练掌握以上词汇并能正确发音,尤其是get dressed brush teeth 的发音。2、结合句型,将词汇融入其中进行简单的英语交流则为难点。五、教学方法: 五环教学法六、学习方法:学生自学,游戏,展示,交流七、学习用具:幻灯片,课本八、教学用具:播放机,多媒体九、学习流程学习内容 学习环节 老师活动 学生活动 预设时间 预设效果 预设措施 设计意图学习时间的表达 情境导入 (导) What’s is in English What time is it (give three pictures to learn about the times ) (write the times on the right of the blackboard) It’s a clock. S1:… S2:… S3:… 5 mintues 95%的学生能比较快速的学会时间的表达。 若不能及时明白,老师可多列举几个例子来强化 学习时间的表达,为后文的句子和pair-work 做铺垫。图片学习 词汇学习及展示(学、展) 1、I usually go to school at 9:30,what about you Let’s learn to say some sentences .(give some times and activities from the computer .) Let’s play a game :I need 3 students to do this game .Who wants to come here and play it .(write activities on the middle of the blackboard,and teach some when necessary ) (You did a very good job) Please open your books to p7 and do 1a : Match the activities with the pictures ,try to read them out in English loudly (turn around in the class in order to help some students ) 1、S1:I usually … at … S2:I usually …at … S3:I usually …at … S4:I usually …at … S5: I usually …at … S6: I usually …at … 2、S1 holds a time ,S2 holds an activities ,S3 holds I ,make up a sentence . 3、Open the books to p7 and do1a : Match the activities with the pictures , try to read them out in English loudly (ask for help when meeting problems ) 5 mintues 5 mintues 3 mintues 1、95%的学生可以通过语言支架来做简答的句子练习。 100%的学生可以参与其中,在游戏中掌握时间与活动的组合。 任务中能有100%的学生可以准确的做到匹配。 多播放几组幻灯片以加强句子的强化。 老师可以事先做个范例,供学生模仿学习 为后来的交际问答做词汇上的积累,铺垫图片再学习 听力练习并展示 (展、练) 1、Ask students to read the times from the pictures first and try to write them down. 2、Play the tape,and tell students to listen and match the times (for twice :the first time ----listen and match ; the secnod time ---listen and check ) 3、Ask some students to share the times, for example get up is.6:30 1、Read the times from the pictures first and try to write them down. 2、Listen and match (for twice :the first time ----listen and match ; the secnod time ---listen and check ) Some students will take turns to share the times. s1: s2: s3: s4: s5: s6: 3 mintues 5 mintues 1、100%的学生可以轻松地通过看图写出时间,并能准确读出 2、约90%的学生能在两遍听力后准确的做到匹配,在问答中能积极地说出答案。 10%的学生可以通过师生的问答来再次获得准确的信息 听力为后边的口语交际做语言支架结对练习 口语交际并展示(议、展) 1、Ask students to find the rules from the setence. I usually get up at 6:30 I usually eat breakfat at 7:00. I usually go to school at 9:20. 2、Please work in pairs to ask and answer like this : ---What time do you usually get up ---I usually get up at … 3、ask to share their dialogues Students find the rules from the setence. s1: What time do you get up S2:What time do you eat breakfast S3:What time do you go to school Ask and answer in pairs ---What time do you usually get up ---I usually get up at… 3、share the dialogues 10mintues 100%的学生能够参与其中,通过本节课的语言支架做简单的口语交际结束 情感共鸣 Time is very important ,we should make good use of it. 情感渗透






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